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CONFUSED? Re-read the Assignment Directions!

How do you spell...?!

 Spelling Test


Due Date: Every Friday

Pre-tetst will be on Mondays every week. Students will have LOTS of opportunities to practice words on homework & during class activities. 


Unit Homework

Unit 1 Week 1 Spelling

  1. answered

  2. answering

  3. traveled

  4. traveling

  5. chopped

  6. chopping

  7. qualified

  8. qualifying

  9. panicked

  10. panicking

  11. interfered

  12. interfering

  13. omitted

  14. omitting

  15. magnified

  16. magnifying

  17. patrolled

  18. patrollling

  19. skied

  20. skiing



Challenge Words

  1. ​mimicked

  2. mimicking

  3. dignified

  4. dignifying

  5. staggered

  6. staggering

Due Date: Daily

Homework sheets will be sent home almost daily. They will typically be front & back, grammar & spelling. They are to bring back completed worksheets daily.


Weekly Writing

Due Date: Fridays

Every week, students will be completing a different type of writing. They will be mostly completed in class & in the computer lab.

Study hard, and you will be rewarded!!

Weekly Writing Prompt

Personal Narrative
Think about something important, funny, or exciting that happened to you when you were younger. Now write a personal narrative about that experience.
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